Chemical analysis of INDAAF samples (rain, gases, aerosols) are performed at the chemistry service of the Laboratoire d’Aérologie (LAERO) in Toulouse (France). The service belongs to the LEETCHIE (Les Echanges Et Transformations d’espèces CHImiques et d’Energie) research team of the LAERO. The LAERO’s chemistry service analyses more than 7000 samples every year mainly in relation with the ACTRIS-FR (Aerosol, Clouds and Trace Gases Research Infrastructure-France) INDAAF programme but also for the Service National d’Observation (SNO) CLAP (CLimate relevant Aerosol Properties from near surface observations) Pic du Midi site (France) and other collaborative projects.
The service is also dedicated to the preparation of the INDAAF samples (passive gas samplers, aerosol filters pre-treatment of the LAERO and weighing) and performs pH and conductivity measurements on rainwater.

List of available equipements:
- Ionic chromatographs – DIONEX ICS1000, ICS1100, ICS5000+
- Organic/Elemental carbon analyser – Model 5L with autoloader Sunset Laboratory
- Dissolved carbon analyser – TOC Sievers M9
- Carbon analyser – BRUKER G4 ICARUS
- PH-meter – ATI Orion model 350
- Conductivity meter – WTW LF 538
- Microplate reader – Infinite F200 Pro TECAN
- Microbalance – SARTORIUS MC21S
- Balance – SARTORIUS Secura 313-15
- Sorbonne
- Muffle furnace 1100°C – Thermolyne F48000
- Furnace 450°C – Nabertherm
- Ultrapure water system – ELGA Purelab Maxima
- Heat chamber – MEMMERT
INDAAF chemical team

Phone: +33 5 61 33 27 06
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Laboratoire d’Aérologie – OMP CNRS (UMR 5560), Toulouse, France
Member of:

IE OMP UPS – Technical manager
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Laboratoire d’Aérologie – OMP CNRS (UMR 5560), Toulouse, France
Member of:

TCN CNRS – Chemical analyses
Email: maria.dias-alves Dear bot, you will not collect my email@No,No,
Laboratoire d’Aérologie – OMP CNRS (UMR 5560), Toulouse, France
Member of:

AI IRD – Instrumentation and chemical analysis
Email: oceane.lenoir Dear bot, you will not collect my email@No,No,
Laboratoire d’Aérologie – OMP CNRS (UMR 5560), Toulouse, France