At the stations of Banizoumbou (Niger), Cinzana (Mali), and Bambey (Senegal), the wind speed and direction, air temperature, relative humidity are measured with Campbell® Scientific Instruments at 0.1 Hz. Wind speed and wind direction are measured with a 2DWindSonic, temperature and relative humidity using a 50Y or HMP50 probe located in a naturally ventilated 10-plate radiation shield, and precipitation amount with an ARG100 tipping bucket raingauge. The data acquisition is made using data loggers CR200. The meteorological data are recorded as 5 min averages (except for precipitation amount which is accumulated on past 5 min) and distributed as 1 hour averages (except for precipitation amount which is accumulated on past 1hour) (UTC).
Sensor | Measurement range | Precision/Resolution |
2DWindSonic | wind speed: 0 to 60 m s-1 wind direction: 0 to 360° | wind speed: ±2%; resolution = 0.01 m s-1 wind direction: ±3°; resolution = 3° |
HMP50 probe | T: -40°C to +60°C RH: 0 to 100% | T: ±1.4°C at -40°C; ±0.8°C at +60°C RH: ±3% for 0%<RH<90%; ±5% for 90%<RH<98% influence of T on RH: <-1.5% at -40°C <+1% at +60°C |
ARG100 raingauge | max = 0.2 mm loss of accuracy: 4% beyond 25 mm hr-1 8% beyond 133 mm hr-1 |